- LEATHER EXPERT STARTER KIT - LEL_STARTER_KIT_1, all Leather Expert quality products for professional leather restoration make you rady to start.
€360.65 €298.06 - LEATHER EXPERT STEERING WHEEL CARE & REPAIR KIT - LELSTEERWCARE, Leather Expert Steering Wheel Care & Repair Kit is the kit you need for repairing damaged leather.
€36.95 €30.54 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER REPAIR KIT - LELREPKIT, Leather Expert Leather Repair Kit is the kit you need for repairing damaged leather.
€36.95 €30.54 - LEATHER EXPERT BLACK LEATHER STEERING WHEEL RESTORATION KIT - LELSTEERWKBLACK, Leather Expert Leather Steering Wheel Restoration Kit contains all to repair a black leather steering wheel.
€24.95 €20.62 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER INTERIOR CARE KIT - LELINTCK2X1000, Leather Expert Leather Interior Care Kit with high quality leather cleaner, conditioner and leather care tools.
€72.95 €60.29 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER STRONG CARE KIT - LELSTRCK, Leather Expert Strong Care Kit contains professional effective products to clean and care leather surfaces.
€32.95 €27.23 - LEATHER EXPERT ABRASIVE PAD 12 X 10 CM - LEABRASSIVEPAD, Leather Expert Abrasive Pad is the sanding pad for gently sand the leather before colouring.
€9.95 €8.22 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER ADHESION PROMOTER 1L - LELADHPR1000, Leather Expert leather adhesion promoter, easy to use, allows paint to adhere to leather vinyl surfaces.
€42.95 €35.50 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER ADHESION PROMOTER 250ML - LELADHPR250, Leather Expert leather adhesion promoter, easy to use, allows paint to adhere to leather vinyl surfaces.
€18.95 €15.66 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER ADHESION PROMOTER 500ML - LELADHPR500, Leather Expert leather adhesion promoter, easy to use, allows paint to adhere to leather vinyl surfaces.
€27.95 €23.10 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER ADHESION PROMOTER 50ML - LELADHPR50, Leather Expert leather adhesion promoter, easy to use, allows paint to adhere to leather vinyl surfaces.
€5.95 €4.92 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER ALCOHOL CLEANER 1L - LELALCCLEAN1000, Leather Expert Leather Alcohol cleaner natural leather degreaser to prepare leather surface for dyeing.
€30.95 €25.58 - LEATHER EXPERT LEATHER ALCOHOL CLEANER 250ML - LELALCCLEAN250, Leather Expert Leather Alcohol cleaner natural leather degreaser to prepare leather surface for dyeing.
€13.95 €11.53